Morning Routine and Balance

There's a lot of information out there about the power of habits and so I'm not going to rehash that here except to say that habits are extremely powerful tools in building the life that you want and if you're not familiar with how to create new good habits and kick old bad habits to the curb then learn.

You may have seen posts on social media that contain something like:

$$$$$$$ Morning

  1. Wake up before the sun
  2. Ignore your phone
  3. Meditate - 5 minutes
  4. Workout - 30 minutes
  5. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
  6. Shower
  7. Write down your daily goals
  8. Start killing it

I'm going to refrain from whole-heartedly mocking these types of posts because I feel like they do deliver an important message even if it is only partially complete. This main focus here is definitely your physical facet with a tiny bit of mental and social mixed in. I encourage you to keep your time in the morning balanced between all three facets. As a matter of comparison consider this routine:

Balanced Morning

  1. Wake up before the sun
  2. Meditate
  3. Read a book
  4. Workout
  5. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
  6. Shower
  7. Write down your daily goals
  8. Send an email to a friend
  9. Post something on social media
  10. Start killing it

By adding reading, sending and email, and posting on social media we've balanced this morning routine more evenly across the physical (workout, breakfast, shower), mental (meditate, read, goals), and social (email, social media) facets. I've removed ignoring your phone because it can be a really helpful tool in both mediation and reading.

Is this morning routine perfect? Nope! No morning routine will ever be perfect for everyone but I hope you get the idea that it's important to keep balancing your facets.


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